Iet uz galveno saturu

Meklēt vārdnīcā

Satura valoda

Koncepta informācija

Person > Older people > Computers and older people
... > Science > Humanities > Social science > Gerontology > Older people > Computers and older people
Social group > Age groups > Older people > Computers and older people
... > Science > Humanities > Philosophy > Cycle > Vibration > Time measurements > Age > Old age > Older people > Computers and older people

Prioritārais termins

Computers and older people  

Plašāks koncepts


  • LNC10-000225901

Citās valodās


Lejuplādējiet šo konceptu SKOS formā:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Izveidots 1/22/16, Modificēts 1/22/16